African American Human Hair Wigs

African American Human Hair Wigs

Wigs are a phenomenal invention if I do say so myself. From actors to patients, almost everyone wears or has worn wigs at some point in their lives. And, due to their popularity, these wigs have evolved to include a variety of types.

The two main categories of wigs are Synthetic and Human Hair wigs. In the Human Hair class, we have further sub-divisions . . .one of which is the African American type. This type of wig is quite popular among women due to its quality and the various hairstyles it supports.

But, before application of these wigs, it is necessary to prepare your head. So, without further ado, start by braiding your hair as tightly as possible to make it compact. Next, apply a bald cap evening out the head region for wig installation. Fix it in place using some adhesive on the front just beneath your hairline and some o the back of your neck. Now, wear the wig and properly adjust it.

If the wig is a Front Lace wig, trim the excess lace. Apply some pressure on the adhesive parts overlaid with the lace. The wig is now firmly in place. If the wig is a Full Lace one, recede the bald cap till your hairline is visible. Wear the wig aligning its part to your hairline. Secure it in place using pins and clips. Finally, use some concealers to blend the front end, making it look natural.

Now, here are 3 different styles for African American Human Hair Wigs:

Wavy Bob Lace Front

Just as the name suggests, this unique design is truly mesmerizing. Its length extends to just below the ears. And every lock identifies with a distinctive wave-like pattern. You can leave it at that or go further and make side swoops with the side locks of the wig.

Brazilian Kinky Straight Hair

The straight variety is an old yet gold style of the African American Human Hair Wigs. Characterized by back-length long hair, this style involves the use of tightly curled kinks which gives it its distinguishing feature. Best of all, its long length allows for further modification of styles like braids, bangs, side swoops, etc.

Peacock Afro Kinky Curly Wig

The iconic Peacoco wig lives up to its name. Being perhaps the most common and popular style of African American wigs, it consists of curly hair that starts from the roots and extends to about neck length. An all-time favorite, if I do say so myself.