Weave Hair--A Protective Hairstyle

What is weave hair?

As girls who take care of our own hair, grasping skills of making protective hairstyles is necessary. You may know lots of fashion protective hairstyles, like beehive, side-leave twist or cornrow, but have no ideas of hair weave. Hair weave, also named weaved hair, is an installation method of hair extension and a way to braid hair. We always use the word braid to describe this action and ignore the same function of hair weave.

A weave braid up your own hair in a sew-in style, and give a space for scalp to breath and have a free flowing hair appearance as well. In addition, a classy, structured, well polished look will emerge on a weave with great maintenance. Weave your hair, give it a rest while protect it from extreme hair damage caused by the strain of frequent hairstyling and wind blowing. Meanwhile, a fashionable, pretty hairstyle will appear with practice and useful tips.




Tips of hair weave


1. Weave hair with hair extension

Weave hair with wigs. We just want to gather our hair so that protect it from avoidable hurt. For this goal, any possible breakage happens in the weaving process should be avoided. Although hair pull will definitely give rise to, we can reduce this by adding hair extension piece by piece. Add a string of hair and blend it with the another strand of your hair, you do not need to strongly drag the hair just for hair tight.


2. Leave a short length alone

Yes, weaving the hair from the roots creates perfect hair braids. However, it is not recommended to tie the roots up for tidy looking, which is the main culprit for hair loss. Maybe you can try to leave a short length and braid hair one inch away from the roots. Knot hair in the beginning braid place, which is a better option for neat looking and hair tight.


3. Swear oil on the surface of hair

 Prepare hair oil for hair maintenance with nice odor. Pleasant odors bring good mind. Touch a little oil on your fingertip and swear it along the hair evenly. Keep in mind that do not swear from the roots and too much oil that make hair sticky is not welcomed at all.


4. Add your favorite color

 Even though your hair color is natural, it is not weird to add another beautiful color. Instead, a natural and attractive balayage effect achieve in the end.