When you buy lace front wigs, you will question about how to install a lace front wig, today we will discuss how to install it.
Lace front wigs mean the forehead of the wig sewed by hand. You can part it any direction on the lace front. Usually, we have 13x4 lace front wigs and 13x6 lace front wigs. The difference is the length of the forehead. As the following chart, we will show you what is a lace front wig.
1. Spray some cosmetics on the cap which makes the color near to your skin.
2. Fix the wig on your head, adjust the strap to make it proper to your head. Not to tight nor too loose.
3. Trim the edge of the lace, make a clear hairline suitable for your forehead.
4. Use some hair conditioner to fix the wig and blow it to dry.
5. Style the hair which you like.
Here let us hear what does she do for her lace front wig.
See, it is not complex, we believe in you can do it as well as her.
If you want to buy lace front wigs, now we have an autumn special sale, you can use the coupon code to save more money. Don’t lose any chance to beauty.
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