When we wear wigs, we usually want our wigs to look natural, smooth and seamless, and as realistic as possible, to look like our own natural hair. But how do we make our wigs look close to the real thing? The hairline is an important indicator. Natural hairlines allow the wig to look like real hair at first glance. This means you need to pluck a wig that fits your hairline particularly well - this is the best way to make it look as natural as possible. Then how to pluck a wig to make it more realistic and prettier? Here are some tips and tricks to pluck a wig perfectly.
One of the most important things about a wig is the hairline, and the more realistic the hairline, the more realistic the wig will look. Wig plucking is the process of using tweezers to remove excess hair around the hairline of the lashing front wig. Think of an unplucked wig -- the hairline is usually so straight that people can almost tell it's not your real hair! Our natural, real hairline is not the same length of hair because new hair grows all the time. So, if you want your wig to be close to the real thing, grab the tweezers to remove excess chunks.
Tools you need to prepare before plucking a wig:
A wig, a wig stand, pins, a tail braid comb, and tweezers. You can pluck on wet or dry hair wig. Some people like wet hair wig because it's easier to move and control, while others like to pull dry hair wigs so they can get a true feel for the density of the wig. It's up to you.
Put your wig on the wig stand
You need to pin your wig down securely on the wig stand. This will ensure that your wig doesn't move or slip when you pluck your wig.
Comb the wig
You need to make sure that the wig doesn't have any knots or tangles, which could hamper your ability to pluck. Use a tail comb to flatten your hairline back, making sure there are no knots or tangles. Then your fingers pull your hair back from your hairline. Pay special attention to the hair around your hairline. They should be 100% smooth and tangle-free.
Start to pluck the wig
When plucking your wig, be careful and go slowly. Take your time. A rushed hairline can look rushed and sloppy.
Here are steps to pluck your wig:
Start just above your ears and work your way up to the middle of your head.
Don't pull too much hair at once. You can pluck a little at a time and use tweezers to do more of the magic, but if If you over-pluck, there is no going back. That said, make sure you're tolerant of plucking.
Make sure you're plucking out real hair, not lace.
When you're done, brush your hair to remove any loose strands.
Repeat the step above with additional layers of hair
Our goal when we pluck the wig is to make the entire front of the wig look less dense and more natural, so you don't just pluck the front of the hairline near the forehead, you need to pluck several layers of the wig. Just like your natural hairline, the hair around your hairline is pulled back in more than one layer. That said, you need to pluck several layers of your hairline to make your wig look more organic.
The best way to do this is to separate your hairline into small sections. Take a bit of hair and separate it from the rest. Pluck your hairline the same way you did before: slowly from ear to ear. Continue this process until you have pulled out at least three or four layers of hair.
Finish the look
Now that you've successfully pluck several layers of your hairline, it's time to polish it up. Comb the wig before thoroughly checking the hairline. Does it look natural? Are you satisfied with the final result? If you want to pluck a little extra hair, now's the time. Determine where you might need to pull more hair. Remember not to over-pluck either.
Tip: Pulling your hair back into a ponytail gives you a better view of your hairline.
Brush out everything you’ve plucked out, and boom—you’ve got a natural-looking hairline.
If you still find it difficult to pluck a wig, you can buy the wig that has already been plucked. There are a lot of pre-plucked wigs in the market. Beautyforever hair store is a good option. Beautyforever is a professional human hair wig store online, all human hair wigs are 100% human hair, they offer all kinds of pre-plucked human hair wigs online at affordable prices. Find the best pre-plucked wigs at Beautyforever.com.