1. Is It Time To Take A Sew In Out?
First, make sure your tracks are ready to come out. See If your braid is lifted from your scalp. If not it's possible that you will cut a portion of your own hair and usually a sew in can stay 4-6 weeks with proper maintenance. If it is lifted then this should be a easy process especially if you read my article below.
2. How To Take Out A Lace Closure Sew In?
Step 1: Cutting the thread
Begin by cutting the thread from the tracks carefully.
Pull your weave up into a ponytail at the top of your hair. If you have a short style put clips around head. Take last track in the back and release from ponytail. This is the back of your hair some people can just feel the different between thread and there own hair. Place a mirror behind you so you can see the track cut one piece of the thread. Start from where you cut the thread and lift remaining thread with your fingers.
Repeat with rest of weave. You may have to make extra cuts but if you find where the knot is which is usually at either end and cut there then you can easily remove the weave. If you cannot see and safely cut off your thread from your sew in, ask a friend to assist you in this process.
Make sure you remove as many of the knots and as much of the thread from your hair as possible. Having strings and thread knots left in your hair when you wash your hair may cause an issue.
Step 2: Apply oil
Once you have removed all of the sew in weaves (and net if applicable) from your hair, apply an oil generously to your hair. Never apply any water or water based product at this point. Water will cause your hair to shrivel, shrink and constrict making it difficult to unravel the braids and remove shed hair that has been trapped for the past several weeks. Also your hair is in its weakest state while wet, so the manipulation of unbraiding and removing any thread and/or tangles make cause breakage to wet hair. I used grapeseed oil, but use the oil (or oil product) of your choice according to what your hair likes best!
Step 3: Unbraid the cornrows
After your hair has been saturated with oil, use your fingers to unbraid the cornrows slowly and carefully. Bring your fingers all the way to the tips of your hair to make sure it has been completely unwound. Be sure to start at the very roots of your hair to get all of the hair unbraided. As you work, pull your fingers through to remove shed hair. Your hair should be slippery from all of the oil you've applied to, if it isn't, it means that you haven't added enough oil.
Step 4: Finger comb
Working in sections, once you have an area of hair unbraided, finger comb it slowly and thoroughly. Feel for any areas of braids you may have missed and any leftover thread.
Step 5: Detangle with a wide tooth comb
Follow up your finger combing with a seamless wide tooth comb, after lubricating the hair with the grapeseed oil and finger combing, You were able to comb from root to tip without any snags or knots.
Even with the most diligent care while wearing sew in weaves, you'll still experience quite a bit of shed hair the first time you comb through your new growth. This is hair that you would normally comb out each day, but since it's been hidden for weeks, most of it has stayed on your head.
Once you remove the sew in weave, before you approach your hair with a comb, gently work through your tresses - especially the new growth - with your fingers. This detangling method is much less harsh than attacking your hair with a comb right away. Once you've worked through any tangles with your fingers, follow up with a very wide tooth comb, but there's no need to detangle everything at this point
Step 6: Repeat the process
Twist or braid each section when you are finished with it to keep it separate from the other areas of hair. Repeat this process all over your entire head.
3. Things To Do After Taking Out Sew In Weave
Tip 1: Deep condition
The first things to do after you takeing out the sew in weave is shampooing your hair with a moisturizing cleanser. Then apply a generous amount of a moisturizing conditioner and comb through your hair entirely at this point while it's saturated. As always, begin at the ends of your mane and slowly work your way up toward the scalp. Don't be alarmed by the amount of shedding hair. Remember that you usually shed 50 to 100 hairs each day, so there will be a large amount. When you can easily comb through your conditioned tresses, rinse completely.
Tip 2: Trim your ends
Depending on how comfortable you are taking care of your own hair, you can trim your ends yourself or visit your stylist. Your ends have been pretty well-protected while in sew in weave extensions, so hopefully, you haven't suffered any undue damage. In most cases, you'll only need a simple 'dusting,' where the smallest amount is clipped just to get rid of any dryness.
Tip 3: Let your hair rest
As tempting as it may be to retouch your new growth or sew in another set of weave extensions right away, don't. Your scalp and hair need to rest. When you wear a weave, a small amount of stress is placed on the scalp from the extra weight of the extension hair, and your scalp needs time to recover. Some women don't want to walk around with untouched new growth, but it's important to find a style or styles you can rock for the next couple of weeks that don't rely on chemicals or added hair. This ensures a healthy scalp and hairline; without a healthy hairline, wearing hair additions becomes much more difficult over time.
Wearing a hair weave can have benefits but you won't realize them if you practice bad habits while wearing it or once you remove it. While sew in weaves shouldn't be solely relied on 100% of the time, if you wear them and treat them properly, they can be a fun, stylish addition to your hairstyle arsenal.
4. Looking For High Quality Sew In Weaves?
When your weave refuses to resurrect so take it out, throw it in the trash and order you a new set of bundles from Beautyforever Hair!
Beautyforever High Quality Sew In Weaves are made of 100% virgin hair - top quality hair bundles for your full sew in weave hair extensions. All hair are virgin human hair, come from one single donor, hair ends and tops runs in the right direction, no tangles, no sheds. If you take good care of your hair, it will lasts over a year.
You will need 4 bundles or 3 bundles and closure to create a full in weave, we have hair bundle deals for you, which give a more favorable price.
5. That's All for Now!
I have given you ladies so much information on “How To Take Out Sew In Weaves”. I wish I had found an article when I first became to do my hair, would've saved me time, money and my hair.
Nonetheless, I am glad I was able to provide readers with insightful information that will save your time, money and hair!
When removing your sew in weaves, the most important thing is to take your time when removing your sew in weaves. Ladies, carve out a few hours of your day and dedicate it to strictly taking down your sew in weaves.
If you are ever feeling uncomfortable with removing your sew in weaves, please see a professional.