Traditional wigs like bobs have been around for a very long time. They are more popular among women since they require less upkeep. You can experiment with short bob wigs to see how you could appear with short hair without cutting your own hair.
If you're a beginner looking for a cheap wig, a bob wig is a fantastic choice. But if you are new to wigs, you may not know much about bob wigs. In this article, we discuss everything you need to know about bob wigs. Let’s get started.
What is a bob wig?
A bob hairstyle is hair that is cut short and straight around the head. Bob wigs, which typically come in lengths between 8 and 16 inches, are regarded as maintenance-free hairstyles due to how easy they are to style and maintain.
How to select the right bob wig for you
Here are tips for selecting bob wigs.
1.Take into account your face shape
Pay attention to the shape of your face before getting a bob wig to avoid having weird appearance. Long hair tends to extend the face of women with round faces. If you want to define your face avoid cutting your bob shorter than your chin.
You can wear almost any bob wig in various styles and lengths if you have an oval face. The bob wig offers you a self-assured, independent appearance. It has an idealistic, sweet vibe.
2.Take note of the texture.
It's important to get the right texture for your bob wig. Since there is a wide range of individual preferences regarding texture, feel free to choose the choice that most closely reflects your preferences and personality. Considering that curls provide volume, you may want to emphasize or avoid adding additional volume in particular facial lines according on how your face is formed. For instance, if your forehead is the greatest part of your head, use less volume. Instead, go for a long curly style that enhances the proportion of your face and provides more volume to the bottom of your bob wig.
3.Think about the kind of cap you desire.
The third factor to consider when choosing a bob wig is the type of cap you want to buy. You can as well add a fringe to your bob wig. If your face is heart-shaped and you have yet to try a fringe, wigs with fringe will look wonderful on you. Numerous options are available if you want a cap style other than a fringe bob wig. Lace front wigs and closure (4x4 inches) hd lace wigs are great solutions if you want easy, glueless wigs to install at home.
4.Select the appropriate color.
You also need to choose the color of your bob wig. A black bob wig is a must-have in your closet since it is perfect for any occasion, from cocktail events at night to official gatherings. If you're thinking about adding color to your hairstyle, you can start with highlights until you feel comfortable switching to more vibrant full-color wigs.
5.Be aware of the hair type you desire.
Bob wigs are typically available in both human hair and synthetic hairs. To choose amongst them, you must consider both their benefits and drawbacks. Before making a choice, consider the hair's look, texture, style, cost, durability, and heat tolerance. However, because they are higher-quality and more lasting, human hair bob wigs are an option if your budget permits.
The best bob wigs
Lace front bob wigs
Round faces look best with the trendy, sleek, and radiant appearance of this bob wig. Some of its benefits include being lightweight, comfortable, and entirely hand-tied. This bob wig's meticulously blended seamless hairline, which replicates the way hair grows from the scalp, allows it to be fashioned to fit any hair parting. It also permits a variety of hairstyles, and due to its natural appearance, it could be challenging for people to recognize the hairpiece as a wig.
This wig may be styled with heated tools without damaging it because it is heat resistant. With a flat iron or a curling iron, you may style this bob wig. It's also one of the most inexpensive human hair wigs you may try.
Human hair bob wigs with bangs
Short bob wigs with bangs are a good option for women who prefer a modest, short hairstyle. It is possible to find wigs with bob cuts that are straight, curly, or wavy. The short, straight bob wig's style includes the bangs.
They come in a variety of densities, such as 130%, 150%, and 180% density. A short, straight bob can complement any facial shape. This wig looks and feels luxurious, silky, and natural. Because it is heat-resistant and durable, you may style it with a curling or flat iron.
Human hair curly bob wigs
If you love curly lace front wigs, this curly bob wig is a perfect option. This hairdo looks not only beautiful but stylish as well. A short curly bob wig an ideal choice for almost all wig wearers. They are simple to maintain and simple to wear. Due to its versatility with both office and party themes, this hairstyle can become one of your all-time favorites.
How to wear a bob wig
Here is a step-by-step guide to help you wear your bob wig.
1.Prepare the wig by trimming all the hairs back from the edges of the wig.
2.Prepare your natural hair. Make sure that your hair lays flat as possible. You can achieve this by making cornrows.
3.Prepare the skin by wiping the areas that will come into contact with the glue. This can help promote a strong bond between the skin and the wig. You can use a cotton swab and an alcohol solution.
4.Apply glue/adhesive- you can use a tiny brush to apply the glue along the hairline.
5.Wear the wig on your head and adjust it until it securely fits
6.Style the wig to your liking