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Aug 7, 2023

Generally speaking the real hair wigs are highly durable and can last up to 1-2 years. But still it has observed that different people experience different life span for wigs. We tell you the reason. The real hair wigs also need love and care as your natural hairdo.  Therefore it is of utmost importance to look carefully after your wig. If you wish for a gorgeous and stunning look then please do invest some quality time with minimal effort to your wig care. If you are not sure about the proper way to up keeping of your wig then leave it to us. Here we present to you few handy tips which you can use to increase the life span of your wigs.




Wearing wigs does not make you free from washing your wig hair. Real human hair wigs need to be wash periodically as your real hair.


Pre-washing care for your real hair wig:


The real hair wigs are made from real human hairs and therefore have the same tendency as them to get tangled in heavy breeze. Therefore before washing your wig detangles them with your forefingers. A wide-toothed comb can also be suitable. It is most advisable to start combing your wig hair from tips and slowly working way upwards to the base of cap. The detangling of hair helps in smooth washing of your hair.


Washing of real hair wig:


While washing the real hair wigs put then on tap of basin or bathtub and slightly wet them. This step will essentially prevent tangling of hair in basin. Then apply a small amount of a good quality shampoo on wig hair so as to form a thin lather foam. After done with applying shampoo do rinse the hair with clean and cold running water to remove all traces of shampoo. Strictly try to avoid hard rubbing, twisting and rubbing of wig hair as it may cause damage. After complete washing of hair gently tap dry using clean towel. Take care not to wring or rub the wig hair while drying.


 real hair wigs




After drying of real hair wigs keep a habit of applying a good quality hair conditioner to keep them freeze free. The conditioner can be applied by taking a small quantify on palm and spreading gently and uniformly thoroughly to hairs. The care is taken to avoid applying on root as the conditioner may loosen the roots of hair which may result in falling of hair strands from wigs. The wide rooted comb can be used to detangle the hairs after applying conditioner to remove tangles from them. It is always beneficial to apply conditioner on damp hairs and perform detangling when the wig hairs are saturated with conditioner already.




One of the greatest ways to keep your lace front wigs ready to style is to hang it on a wig stand for drying and when not in use. A properly dried tangle-free real hair wigs provide you with best styles; in fact, lace front wigs are great channel to flaunt your stylish nature through different hairstyles. While performing hairstyles different styling tools can be used but it is always recommended to keep your real hair wigs away from heating styling tools if you want to prolog the wig life. Apart from styling here we provide you fewer additional tips to keep your real wig hair healthy and you beautiful.


Direct Sunlight:


One of the major causes of discoloration of real hair wigs is exposure to direct sunlight. So, you can always prefer headband scarf or a hat when visiting in direct sunlight.


Remove your hair wig before bed:


Wearing wigs at bedtime too often will lead to breaking, matting of your wig hair ultimately result in damaging your real hair wig. So, remove your wig before going to bed.


Preserve texture:


Do not intentionally put your wigs in direct contact with salt water, chlorinated and hot water. Exposure to these will lead to discoloration and change in texture of your wig.


Wig stand:


Hang your real hair wig on hair stand smaller in size than your wig head. This will save your wig from losing shape due to un-necessary stretch.


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We know that you have invested pretty good amount in purchasing the real hair wig. So, we strongly recommend investing a little more in good quality wig care products. Not all products are same therefore use the hair products which are specifically designed for wig care. The traditional shampoos have a tint of harsh chemicals in it and can damage wig hairs. Plus your wig hair lacks the ability of auto-healing as like natural hairs.




Although wigs provide great flexibility for styling your real wig hair still styling your wig hair is lot different task than styling your natural hairs. So, we suggest to regularly consulting your stylist so as to get some real effective tips and tricks to style your wig hair. Also consult her after eery new buy of the wig as different types of wigs need to style in different ways. If you yourself keep experimenting with real hair wig then there are most likely chances of hair damage. When you need a help with buying a new wig or some handy tips for wig care then dont forget to consult our expert available online 24X7.




We are agree with you that one of the purposes of using a real hair wig is to protect the hair underneath still for increase the longevity of wigs let your wig rest. We suggest to not to use same wig too often. Keep changing your real hair wigs.


For any reason if you are a daily wig wearer keep a pair of wigs ready so you can alternately use them. This will save your wig from daily wear and tear.




Although it is advisable to periodic washing of your real hair wig but too often washing might lead to dry wig and breaking of wig hair. There should be gap of few days’ between two washings of your real hair wigs.




A regular use of hair spray (from drug store or salon spray) can cause damage to your wig hair as repeated use of these products can generate a residue buildup on hair follicles which will make your wig look greasy and give you an un comfortable feeling.


If you are in need to use these hair styling products then go for only real hair wig care products and choose a good quality product.




Let it be your real hair or wig hair, there is no double mind that heating does damages the hair follicles. Excessive use of the heating iron may lead to drying of hair and then they become brittle in nature and looses its natural shine.


Wearing a real hair wig does not mean that you completely neglect your natural hairs. The hairs hidden underneath will also require good attention and cleanliness. Regular washing of real hair is also required along with your real hair wig.


Keep your wig on wig stand in upright position when not in use. Preferably cover your wig hair a damp cloth. If possible add humidifier in the room if your locality is a dry region. This will stop your wig from drying out.


 straight hair lace front wigs human hair




As blonde look is continuously in trend some might want to go for bleaching of your real wig hair. But it is quite dangerous. It can lead to stretch and huge change in texture of natural hair. If you want to perform changes in hair tone then please do consult your stylist.


We are pretty sure that by following the aforementioned real hair wig care tips you will be able to boost the longevity of your real hair wig and no one will able to guess that you have worn a wig. So, take a good care of your real hair wigs and keep mesmerizing people with your charm.